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(Financial Management Quality Service Management Office)
Transformation Stories
Federal Financial Management and the Pandemic

Responsive financial management during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of innovation and agility built on a solid foundation — with an eye on the future. Read about it.
What is the FM Vision?
In early 2018, the Bureau of the Fiscal Service drafted a white paper titled, The Future of Federal Financial Management. Referred to as the FM Vision, the paper described a broad view of the Bureau’s role in supporting agency Chief Financial Officers and maximizing financial management efficiency throughout the federal government.
Since then, the FM Vision has served as a “north star” in the Fiscal Service’s strategic planning process. The FM Vision sets incremental goals. These goals are updated each year in the annual Fiscal Service Commissioner’s Letter to Chief Financial Officers, which is sent to CFO Act Agency CFOs and DCFOs, the federal financial management community, and the Fiscal Service workforce. An annual Progress Statement reports on the year’s advancement toward the goals that are outlined in the CFO Letter. Review the original white paper.
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Last modified 01/23/25